When Parents Become Ineffective Social Buffers Do Siblings Step In?

Dr. Jenalee Doom, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Denver, using an MRI grant, is the first to examine whether siblings may buffer stress responses across both childhood and adolescence. She is trying to understand whether sibling relationships may be effective buffers of stress responses. Dr. Doom hypothesizes that siblings may be effective buffers because, unlike peers, there is less pressure to feel accepted and liked by them. As a result, siblings may be more comforting in adolescence than either parents or peers during stressful situations.

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Sophie Suberville
Couples in Conflict: Bridging the Systemic Divide

With an MRI grant Dr. Hardy and his team are comparing how systemic interventions perform against traditional behavioral interventions in couple relationship education. They hypothesize that systemic interventions will more strongly benefit couples around their common conflictual issues to a greater degree than skills training.

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Sophie Suberville
Training Youth with Disruptive Behaviors as School-Based Peer Coaches

Dr. Huey is using an MRI grant to further validate his PCT intervention with middle-school youth referred for school discipline problems. PCT deemphasizes the youth’s existing problems and focuses instead on teaching positive skills to youth and encouraging them to influence their peers. The goal is to facilitate the development of new “helper” identities by having target youths serve as coaches for other youths.

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Sophie Suberville
NIH funded research investigates how physicians communicate implicit bias when they interact with Hispanic patients during a clinical visit.

The MRI grant is allowing Dr. Stone to analyze audio recordings of interactions between 110 medical residents and 700 Hispanic patients. The research questions are: 1. Does implicit bias predict physician verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal communication patterns? And 2. Do these communication behaviors mediate the relationship between physician implicit bias and patient satisfaction with the clinical care they receive?

This research will provide evidence of how these processes operate in a larger sample of providers, and especially with Hispanic patients who are the fastest growing group of ethnic minorities in the US. Additionally, the results of this research will inform new training and education in medicine.

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Sophie Suberville
Hope Through Strengths

Dr. Brian Cole, Assistant Professor and Director of Training in the Department of Educational Psychology, is using an MRI grant to examine this 2020 data to assess the effectiveness of the Hope Through Strengths intervention.

Dr. Cole aims to answer the following questions: Does HTS promote enhanced subjective, social, and psychological well-being? Does HTS relieve psychological symptom distress such as reduced anxiety and depression? Which positive psychological interventions best predict improvements to symptom distress, well-being, and therapeutic alliance? Does HTS promote strengths-based competency, empathy, hope, and reduced burnout of student clinicians?

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Sophie Suberville
Same Gender Couples Coping Assessment Tool - Part 2

The CCET-SMS is an innovative relationship education program that focuses explicitly on teaching same-gender couples about sources of sexual minority stress, its impact on individual and relational well-being, while allowing for participants to learn and practice dyadic coping skills found to be beneficial in reducing the deleterious effects of stress.

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Sophie Suberville
How do supportive family relationships contribute to stress regulation in response to racial/ethnic discrimination among Hispanics?

Hannah Volpert-Esmond, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at The University of Texas at El Paso, is using an MRI grant to better understand the relationship between family support and resilience in the face of discrimination related stress. It is unclear whether and how strong family relationships attenuate the negative effects of discrimination on mental and physical health. This study is addressing this gap…

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Sophie Suberville
Interpersonal Relations and Psychological Functioning Among Young Adults in India

India is estimated to have more than 57 million people are affected by depression, making it a major public health concern. The prevalence of depression is especially high among young adults and urban dwellers. Despite its prevalence, there is limited literature examining the factors that contribute to depression in this population, resulting in Indian scholars and practitioners to heavily depend on research conducted in high-income countries. And Pankhuri Aggarwal, a PhD Candidate at Miami University in Ohio, is using an MRI grant to address this gap and to promote culturally informed practices associated with conceptualizing and treating depression.

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Sophie Suberville
Quantifying Cohesion in the Parent-Child Relationship Family System

Dr. Deater-Deckard, developmental psychologist, hopes to identify patterns that promote or impede cohesion that may influence mental and behavioral health. The findings will inform future research that seeks to improve the efficacy of interventions for family functioning. And by quantifying parent-child similarity and stability practitioners can develop more holistic understanding of family relationships and of each individual’s family health and functioning.

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Sophie Suberville
Prenatal Pandemic Stress IPV Intervention

IPV negatively affects infant regulation and it disrupts the mother-infant relationship. For these reasons, it is crucial to develop effective interventions for pregnant women experiencing IPV. Dr. Laura Miller-Graff, Associate Professor of Psychology and Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, leads this project in partnership with Dr. Kathryn Howell, Associate Professor of Psychology at The University of Memphis.

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Sophie Suberville
MotherWise Virtual: Relationship Education during Pregnancy and Postpartum  

Motherwise is a program offered during pregnancy and postpartum and it strives to empower women and their families. In the current project Dr. Rhodes is testing whether Motherwise is equally effective when delivered virtually as compared to in-person presentation. Specific goals include assessing whether the program presented virtually improves individual well-being and whether it is effective in improving relationship satisfaction and communication…

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Sophie Suberville
The Couples in Everyday Life Study

The Couples in Everyday Life Study at the University of Rochester, led by Principal investigator Dr. Harry Reis, examines partner emotional regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic, that is, how partners help each other cope with the high levels of stress, anxiety and loneliness engendered by the difficult social restrictions necessary for safety during the pandemic.

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Sophie Suberville