MotherWise Virtual: Relationship Education during Pregnancy and Postpartum  

MotherWise, a relationship education program for pregnant and postpartum women, was originally funded by a federal initiative in 2015. The program strives to empower women and their families to thrive by providing the skills, tools, and resources they need to make bringing up their new babies a success. MotherWise uses the evidence-based Within My Reach curriculum, developed by Dr. Galena Rhoades, Research Professor in the Department of Psychology, at the University of Denver, and includes group-based workshops as well as one-on-one coaching/case management.


Within My Reach is based on a cognitive-behavioral model and is based on the theory that it is important to change both behaviors and cognitions to improve relationship experiences. It includes research-based content on partner selection, the impact of relationships on children, strategies for making wise decisions in relationships, co-parenting, aggression and violence, and communication skills.


In the current project, Dr. Rhoades is testing whether MotherWise is equally effective when delivered virtually (during COVID) as compared to in-person services. Specific goals for this project include assessing differences attendance and reach, as well as testing whether the program presented virtually improves individual well-being and relationship satisfaction and communication.

Sophie Suberville